
About MAO

The Markets Are Open is one of the leading daily blogs on the U.S. stock market, where experts provide real time news update and analysis on host of stocks.

The Markets Are Open was founded by Smith Butcher and Ruin Lewis. We are dedicated to building the world's greatest investment community. Reaching highly skilled investors each month, through its website, videos and subscription newsletter services.

Our Mission: To update Investors By bringing instant news.

Our Core Values: Honesty, Conscientiousness, Equity, Evenhandedness, Fairness and Faithfulness.

Executive Team

Smith Butcher CEO
Smith is the founder as well as the chief editor of the The Markets Are Open. Smith has done masters in finance and in the past served for several online websites as a leading author. His passion about the stock market and intense knowledge brings lots of value to investment community.

Contact: smithbutcher@gmail.com

Ruin Lewis, Co-CEO, Founder, and Co-Chairman
Ruin Lewis has intense knowledge about the stock related to tech and related stocks. Ruin uses his own experience and knowledge in analyzing various news across the sector and provides east to read articles.

Contact: ruinlewis@gmail.com

Sebastian Gomes, Editor
Sebastian Gomes serves as the Technology Senior Research Analyst for The Markets Are Open and in addition to graduating with a Bachelors Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, he served as a columnist for the various newspapers.

Management Team
Danny Mesli, Senior Analyst, SATs
Mike Wilson, Senior Analyst, Market News
Wise Rose, Senior Editor, The Markets Are Open
Adam Nikolic, Chief Investment Strategist, NYSE Value
James Dome, Advanced Accountant/Director


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