
Friday, October 14, 2011

Occupy Wall Street or I have Nothing to Do

NEW YORK - The occupy Wall Street movement is turning into one of the weirdest movements ever seen. And no one really understands what it is. All we know is it is growing in popularity.

They are simply arguing that they want jobs but unemployment happens in all economies even the world's best. Wall Street may have been one part that led to people losing jobs, mainly speculators who rose values of home prices to high levels but the people accepting the loans are also to blame as they were part of the bubble.

In the end the movement is simply a bunch of people who don't have jobs that are protesting that they want money how Anti-Wall Street.

The movement should be geared against Obama who has done nothing to curb unemployment since entering power but somehow Obama has skirted all blame when in the past a President would be most open to insult. Obama should be the one the public is going after.

Occupy Wall Street or we have nothing better to do.

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