
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) Postpones The Launch Of Much Awaited Nexus Q

Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) is reportedly postponing the launch of the much-awaited Nexus Q. the device is Google’s first self-designed and marketed electronic device. The delay is being predicted as a bonus for fans the internet giant’s streaming media device.

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The tech team at Google that is responsible for handling manufactured and engineered hardware is delaying the public launch of the product to add some new features to the device. This will benefit those who have already committed to Nexus Q. Google has stopped accepting pre-orders but has not shed any light on when exactly the device is going to launch. People, who have already placed orders for the device, will receive their orders in the next few weeks.

There’s more. Google has decided to ship Nexus Q to all the customers, who have pre-ordered, for free. In a way, the company will treat all its customers like the thousands of developers and few others who had received Nexus Q free of cost at the Google I/O conference.

The Nexus Q has been touted as made in the USA and echoed the budding trend of ‘reshoring’ manufacturing functions.

The cross between an audio amplifier and a streaming video box is the Internet giant’s first end-to-end hardware enterprise. It is just a aspect of the bigger push into hardware ground that is currently being dominated by Samsung Electronics and Apple Inc. Google is also working on promoting the unique ‘Google Glass’, the amplified reality eyeglasses.

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When the Nexus Q was showcased at the I/O, the hardware was praised to a great extent. However, the general consent on the devise was that the streaming media bit supports a handful of services. It only plays tracks from Google music and videos from YouTube and Google Play.

Google has refused to comment on the new features it is planning on adding to Nexus Q. only information is that the Android team is working hard to enhance functionalities of the device.

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