
Monday, September 17, 2012

Linkedin Corporation (NYSE:LNKD) stocks hit sky high

Linked in share graph is ascending high creating new niche for achievement.

Linkedin Corporation (NYSE:LNKD)’s stock value has set on a new height on Friday being driven by ascending popularity and great expectations from this professional network. This professional network is doing extremely well in terms of work distribution, making a steady flow of work related interactions and thus has made a stable state within the professional network.

The flash:- The stock value of LinkedIn is climbing steadily high up this year and it is floating almost at double rate than its initial book value and this has happened due to successful coordination of this network administration like other social media giants. The associate company The Mountain View, California has contributed enormously in development of popularity of this sites where the interaction is done on a symbiotic manner-the professional posts their resume, and the work-providers post their requirement, hunt for new associates, hence can coordinate between each other.

Will LNKD Move Back To New Highs? Find Out Here

LinkedIn website is already marked as a profitable one as it is generating enough revenue out of its fees than the general trend of social networking sites who earn from mainly advertising. It has estimated that the company earns only 1/3 of its total revenue from Advertisement.

The foresight on this outcome

The impending Big picture of this event is about a bright future of this company where it is expected according to the financial experts that the stock price of the company will rise at $142 by next year. LinkedIn came with its public equity on May 2011 and at that booking period the unit value of stock was $45.
According to Jefferies analysts the popularity of LinkedIn has reached at such point where two new profiles are being added in the network by per second.

Impact on Wall Street

The stock value of Linked In has ascended to a new height at 3% increase which is an addition to the value of $3.76 and thus is standing at the price tag of $123.23 after reaching at $125.50. At this moment the unit stock price is standing at 40% higher than the initial 2011 price value.


  1. god people are making the biggest mistake of their livs investing into lnkd!!

    its pe is hitting 1000

    i wonder what other stock hit 1000 near ipo....???
    anyone remeber monster worldwide?

    wait they have the exact same service as lnkd...

    please do your research

    lnkd is in a massive bubble

  2. I have been saying that for quite a while and now that FB is going into the networking of jobs, it may spell the doom of the stock in the next few years.


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