
Monday, October 8, 2012

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT): Windows 8 to be enabled with many facilities

In the wake of the launch of Windows 8, a new Windows store, enabled with many new applications, will be released shortly, according to Sinofsky. Steven Sinofsky, who heads the Windows and the Windows Live divisions, has promised the launch of the new Windows Store, which, apart from offering many new applications, will also be deploying the updates to the apps. Through the updates, users who have already installed the new version of Windows will be able to get the notifications, and they can then install these updates through the store. The news was announced by the company on Thursday in the company blog, Building Windows 8.

Microsoft Corporation(NASDAQ:MSFT) is using these updates to the built-in apps in order to get the excitement buzzing for the Windows 8 version. These apps were sent to the manufacturers in August, in the release-to-manufacturing build, and even these versions will get the updates which have been mentioned by Sinofsky.

The update made for the Bing engine will already be getting delivered by this Friday, and others will keep coming until the OS launch takes place on the 26th of October. The updates will be focused on enhancing reliability as well as better performance for users. 

For Bing, the updates will be entailing better, detailed search results for local information, as well as users’ ability to zoom in and look at the related search results. It will also feature integration with rewards, along with the ability to use the file picker to choose and use an image from Bing for the PC’s other applications.
The updates to SkyDrive are also very extensive, and they include many features such as improved searches as well as the ability to search for a particular contact within the Messaging Application. Things such as the Mail, Messaging, People as well as the calendar will feature new aspects.

The Finance, News and Sports updates are also great for enthusiasts. News articles will gain more content through partners such as The Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. Additional  contents in sports, along with the new ability to view finance videos are but the tip of the iceberg, in terms of all the new updates and applications.

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