
Friday, October 5, 2012

Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK) Had Two Major Announcements Today

Rogers has always followed the footsteps of AT&T Inc.(NYSE:T). at least, it is always true for Nokia Corporation (ADR)(NYSE:NOK) Lumia 920. Rogers has confirmed that is will have an exclusive on the Windows Phone 8 flagship in Canada, apparently because AT&T has a hold on the device in the US market.

There is no information on pricing and colors as of now, but the Canuck model will have the same LTE support and it is not hard to imagine Rogers gravitating towards its signature color, Red. Other Canadian carriers have not chipped in about the Lumia 820. If history is to indicate anything, we would anticipate the less expensive part of Nokia’s lineup playing it the Telus’ way.

In another news, Nokia is believed to be seeing a senior product marketing executive leaving the firm a day after AT&T declared it would start carrying Lumia 920 in November.

Reuters has reported that Vice President of product marketing, Ilari Nurmi, who is also the person in charge of Nokia’s smartphone strategy, has confirmed that he would be leaving the firm.

Numi was there at the launch of the Lumia 920, even though it attracted some criticism for the lack of details such as availability and pricing.

Nokia shares were up 1.52% to $2.68, while for the week were up over 4.50%. 


  1. As per the specs its definitely most innovative product. Nokia sure has the build quality and with microsoft being the most popular OS in india surely its going to win.But the main concern remains with India is the price. If lumia range of phones(610,710,800) would have had the micoSD support and bluetooth they would have succeeded in the market (I went for lumia but came with Nokia 701 due to lack of these features). But nokia had addresed these in lumia 920. Lets see the responce from Nokia fans.

  2. I think it's a poor decision to be restricted to one carrier. I have a good contract with Telus and would like to stick with them when my contract is up, rather than going over to Rogers. Guess I'll be buying the 808 from a 3rd party instead...


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